We, Doctors, somehow made our own system nowadays become a "deathtrap" for us.
From the beginning of our medical course, We were always reminded by our predecessors and community that we are : the chosen one. the "GOD" or "GODDESS" - whatever its term - that implies we could do everything. We're genius. We're tough and strong. We're rich. We're professional.
We already passed the hardest exam only to get an opportunity to learn medicine. Either you are genuinely-omniscient or you are extremely prosperous from very-wealthy family (doctor's families, perhaps?) so you can get this highly privilege to get admitted to medical school.
Then, we busied our self to learn "human". But most of us forgot to learn to become a "human".
We considered our self as genius.
so we considered us we know everything. so we are indeed humiliated to concede that there's something that we simply dont know. and as a human, it is pretty normal to not know something as long as we want to learn further, but No, we doctors. so we try to pretend and hence make or give wrong advice and considerations. and to make it worse, we laughed at those colleagues who admit that they didnt know.
We considered our self as tough and strong person
We made a system from the beginning, that no time for enjoying our own life. Did you remember, when we are in training being a junior doctor (dokter muda) or resident doctor, we forced our own body to work more than 100 hours/weeks and 32 hours-straight night shift twice or 3 times a week in hospital and the rest of hours outside hospital to study. and we forced more more further when we become a consultant, working day and night without thinking even one second that we wasted our precious time. we forgot to workout, to maintain our own body. we forgot to enjoy our once-time life.we buried our-self to make people become healthy, but we forgot to take care our health.
and Why did we do that? We pursued of what?
Perhaps it was due to considering our self as a wealthy people from well-off profession.Nonetheless, Doctors in our community is regarding as one of promising-gleaming-prosperous profession. We are simply rich. But no, in reality, in perspective of finance management, we are terribly poor.
What the heck is it when our own medical council and medical school made a system so we have to pass an extremely expensive national exam called UKDI? What the heck is it if we want to re-new our medical license we must collect points (SKP), and in order to do that, we have to join many horrendously overpriced seminars and workshops where inclined mostly to be located in five stars hotel that boost the costs till millions bucks?? What the heck is it we should have ACLS/ATLS which costs almost 3 times our full monthly income as an intern doctor, to apply competitively whatever practical job in both public and private hospital ? What the heck is it we made a residency training as an unpaid job (and forgetting their services in hospital) and disparagingly weigh on that every doctors is rich, therefore 3-4 years without salary, would hardly raise an issue?Why we made those hurdles over us ? Why we make those system?
and because everyone thought that we are rich, we bought fancy things ; a car (or some cars), luxurious clothes, ect only to declare we earned money that much.
Practically, we made systems that suck our money and put us on a nearly poverty.
Then because those system that I mentioned, we played dirty games with pharmacy (who mostly deliberately kiss our ass in the front, but stabbing our back) so we can afford that. and Man! we called it we are proffesional.
We blamed Government over our situation nowadays, yes, it is utterly right that Government seems only put healthcare as political attraction rather than consider as an future investment. but deep down, we know, we partly also are responsible for making those system.