Hi and Welcome to my personal website !

My name is Willy Suryawan. I am a medical doctor, an aspiring pianist, a life-long learner. I am Indonesian who currently based on Sumatera. I'd love to talk medicine, travelling or any current topic that people talk most. and I'd love to discuss love and and life philosophy. you can contact me via email willysuryawanmd@yahoo.com or reach me through several social media sites. Please find the links above!

" Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability "

- Sir William Osler -University of Oxford Medical School.

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

The Road not taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 
And sorry I could not travel both 
And be one traveler,
 long I stood And looked down one as far as I could 
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 
Then took the other, as just as fair, 
And having perhaps the better claim, 
Because it was grassy and wanted wear 
Though as for that the passing there 
Had worn them really about the same, 
And both that morning equally lay In leaves 
no step had trodden black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads onto way, 
I doubted if I should ever come back. 
I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence; 
Two roads diverged in a wood, 
and I— I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

Garuda Indonesia : The underdog is becoming A success story

I was taking GA flight from Jakarta to Padang. It was 17th August - The Independence day for Indonesia - the flight attendants served me a slice of tiramisu cake for my dessert and choccolate written with "Dirgayahu Republik Indonesia - Happy Birthday Indonesia!" . It was an indulging experience.

I love traveling. Hence, I'd like to observe the aviation world and sometimes I visited their forum and read the reviews from travellers around the world regarding their experience about their flight. Most of the former passenggers enjoyed their flight experience with Garuda Indonesia. They gave excellent reviews and recommended to fly with Garuda.

Garuda, has really come in very long way to transform in the last few years. I considered the Garuda Indonesia transformation is a success story. Its transformation is something that we should aspire to. We remember the era when GA ( including all Indonesian aircrafts) was banned to fly through European airspaces for some period due to not meet with safety procedures. And now, they offer a direct flight from Jakarta to Schiphol, Amsterdam - a great hub to many cities in Europe-. Even now, they recently fly to Gatwick,London. They purchased more Airbus A380 and Boeing 777-300ER and they massively expand their routes in South East Asia region. Those are big steps.

In early 21st centuries, when we mentioned Garuda, our European and American colleagues would thought an airline from third world countries like Congo, or New Guineae, but Now, Garuda Indonesia is enlisted as one of the best world airline (by Skytrax) and now becoming a big competitor for Singapore airlines in SouthEast Asia.

And as Indonesian, how should we see their success story? 

I think we should be joyful to see their remarkable improvement . Garuda, is a government-run-company. Not only it is the Airline of Indonesia, but it is also the SPIRIT of Indonesia. It brought us the OPTIMISM. it gave us some confidence that our government - in some particular areas - can do an excellent job, and we - as a nation - could rise and becoming a notable nation and country.

We have been fed up for more any bad news about Indonesia. We need some evidence that we could do a great job and Garuda Indonesia transformation is a great example. Garuda has changed from an underdog in the aviation world, to become a great deal. And we believe also, Indonesia - as a country - will too.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014


I like coffee.
Truly addicted. I used to drink a cup of coffee almost every day just to ensure that I am alert to work in my crazy working hours as a medical doctor. But I also have gastritis. Sipping coffee will ghastly worsen the symptoms. But even so, I am still drinking coffee until now,  no matter it makes me nausea or my stomach like bloating.

For some reasons, we always have that thing, right? I mean, a thing that - no matter - it will hurt you, or make you sick, or will only give you a harm - but you still do that. Because we know, that thing will give you a pleasure, though it's only temporary.

Because something/someone that you love, is actually something/someone that hurts you most

But we dont care.
Because we love. like sipping a cup of coffee.

Senin, 07 April 2014

Cynical doctor

A cynical doctor choose a specialty :

- Surgery ? I hate standing for hours in OR without peeing
- Obgyn? Nope.too much estrogen and vagina
- Peds? I hate KIDS
- Internal meds? I am sick of seeing sick people on a daily basis
- Derms? Do I look like an effeminate guy?
- ENT? Korpus Alienum and Ear prop everyday? Defenitely NO
- Ophtalmology? I dont deal with tiny things
- Anaesthetics? What is it for being a doctor, but with no engaging with concious patient ever?
- Forensic? What fascinating about cutting dead corps ? It med students'job!
- Radiology? No more X ray for me,please!
- Neuro? Read tons of crap but do less to patient
- Psych? Are they really doctors?

Maybe I stop searching, and end up being a general physician.Oh, I forgot about BPJS and their crazy rules!

Oh,well, Maybe I stop being a doctor and becoming a bussinessman instead...

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Clinical Elective, Observership, Externship : A short brief

Entah udah berapa orang yang menanyakan hal ini (Elective, Observership,Externship,ect) ke gua. Dari adik kelas, teman, atau completely stranger yang tidak sengaja membaca blog gua, melihat tweet atau instagram gua, atau just happened to wonder about it. Beberapa dari mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti program ini Kadang-kadang gua cukup sabar untuk menjelaskannya, cuma kadang bosan juga menjelaskan berulang-ulang dengan topik yang sama, Oleh karena itu, gua nulis di blog gua ini, sehingga klo ada yang nanya lagi, gua cukup bilang "baca aja yah di blog gua..."

Jadi pada dasarnya, arti ketiga istilah di atas adalah : Magang di Rumah sakit (terutama di RS luar negeri ato di RS bukan ditempat lo biasa magang). cuma ada sedikit perbedaan di antara ketiganya.

1. Elective. bisa disebut juga koass tahap kedua, dalam artian lo magang di bagian yang elo pengenin dan elo pilih ( literally you ELECT the paticular rotation) saat lo selesai stase wajib lo di RS dan sebentar lagi lo bakalan jadi dokter. pada tahap ini, lo diharapkan sudah mencapai tahap dimana lo udah tahu dan udah bisa melakukan semua kemampuan seorang dokter. Jadi gak ada lagi istilah bego2 masa2 koass. dan karena ini adalah stase yg elo pilih ( brarti elo suka,dong?), elo harusnya udah menguasai semua bahan dong. Disini lo bisa hanya jadi observer aja, atau melakukan tindakan medis ( tergantung supervisor elo, dan tergantung elonya juga bisa gak membujuk supaya lo dikasih keleluasaaan medis)

2. Observership. disini lo udah DOKTER, dan punya pengalaman klinik. tapi karena (misalnya) lo pengen PPDS/residency di luar (misalnya USA) dan pemerintah USA mensyaratkan adanya US clinical experience, makanya lo magang di RS di Amerika. You will not engage with patients and there is no hands-on experience. it will just be "observing". jadi yah lo cuma ngikut gitu dokter nya. Ketemu pasien, cuma ngangguk doang, dan  biarin teman sejawat lo yg bekerja. tapi dari situ lo belajar, perbedaan antara negara lo dan negara yg lo pengenin. 

3. Externship. sama kayak observership, cuma klo lo sebagai seorang Extern Doctor, elo bakal berkontak dengan pasien, boleh mengisi rekam medik, dan bahkan melakukan terapi ke pasien (hampir sama kayak Intern Doctor). Biasanya klo externship ini, dilakukan di RS yang desperately need doctors, jadi yah elo di hire sekaligus lo belajar. dan kadang2 pada program ini, elonya malah di gaji....hehehe

untuk Clinical Elective, memang program ini bukan merupakan bagian dari kurikulum pendidikan kedokteran Indonesia. Tapi program ini, merupakan program wajib bagi kebanyakan Fakultas Kedokteran di berbagai negara. Setahu gua, di Indonesia, cuma di FKUI Jakarta yang mewajibkan mahasiswa FK nya untuk melakukan clinical elective, (http://electiveposting.fk.ui.ac.id/) dan nilai Elective itu dimasukkan ke dalam ijazah dokter. FK lain kebanyakan mengganggap Clinical Elective sebagai " additional programme". termasuk FK gua. Walau FK UNAND tidak memasukkan Clinical Elective sebagai compulsory subject , tapi kampus gua memiliki banyak kerjasama bilateral antara banyak FK di luar (under IFMSA agreement) dan menawarkan kesempatan kepada mahasiswanya untuk magang di luar negeri dan berjanji untuk memberikan " travel grants/scholarship" (which is great, krna lo gak bakal pusing lagi juga kan, mikirin biaya, but you have to take more extra miles to attain that privilege) RS kampus gua jg sering sekali menerima mahasiswa asing untuk elective (kompensasi dari kerjasama bilateral).

Nah, sebenarnya apa sih pentingnya Clinical elective ini sehingga hampir semua FK negara maju dan FK2 terkemuka di dunia (Harvard, Oxford,dll) mewajibkan mahasiswanya untuk elective ?

pertama, karena alasan pembelajaran di FK adalah pembelajaran orang dewasa "adult learning", maka sebagai seorang dewasa, kita seharusnya memiliki kebebasan untuk memilih dan memilah ilmu dan keterampilan apa yang ingin kita "dalami". dan oleh karena itulah muncul "Elective". sehingga setelah mahasiswa FK dibekali semua ilmu yang WAJIB dia punyai, pada akhirnya dia diberi kebebasan untuk memilih. 

kedua. kenapa harus di tempat yang tidak lazim ( di luar negeri atau di RS lain kampus atau stase yang tidak pernah di jalani sebelumnya) ? because Medicine is full of uncertainty and full of surprise. Banyak hal yang tak terduga di dunia kedokteran, banyak hal yang beragam termasuk tata laksana pasien/istilah dll antara RS satu dengan RS lain, negara satu dengan negara lain. Jadi diharapkan, ketika seorang mahasiswa FK keluar dari comfort zone nya, maka dia akan banyak belajar, bahwa : Medicine is not only white or black

Pengalaman gua ketika di Oxford, di awal-awal ketika disuruh untuk memasang infus.

" Put VENFLON on that patient please"...dalam hati gua ngomong " oke, apa deh ini bule ngomong2 venflon...", baru gua nyadar, bahwa ternyata Venflon itu merk IV cath...jadi maksudnya.."tolong dong pasangin infus..."..

terus di Indonesia yang tabu bgt menggabungkan 2 atau 3 jenis analgetik, (sekali aja deh lo resepin paracetamol sama piroxicam berbarengan, itu pasti apotekernya udah mencibir lo trus ngomong "itu dokter gak belajar farmakologi apa, gak tahu klo 2 obat itu analgetik), ternyata di UK kita bisa menggabungkan analgetik dengan dosis yang dikurangi. dan disana juga gua baru nyadar bawa ternyata dosis buat orang luar itu lebih gede dibanding dosis lazim di Indonesia. Itu contoh betapa banyak hal yang berbeda dan sekali lagi, Elective bisa menjadi suatu program yang  bagus untuk membuka mata mahasiswa FK mengenai keragaman ini.Ok, 2 alasan diatas adalah alasan filosofis.

sekarang alasan technical untuk Clinical Elective/Observership/Externship

1. Modal untuk PPDS/Residency/praktek di luar negeri  
Hampir semua negara maju di dunia, mensyaratkan clinical experience di negara tersebut (atau paling tidak di salah satu negara maju), sebelum mendapatkan license/work position. Contohnya USA. mereka sangat menekankan akan hal ini, sehingga pengalaman elective atau observership di Amerika akan sangat meningkatkan kesempatan kita untuk bisa bekerja menjadi dokter di Amerika.

2. Cara terbaik mendapatkan surat rekomendasi di bidang yang kita minati
Yang paling menyenangkan dari Clinical Elective adalah kita tidak memiliki terlalu banyak beban dibanding saat stase "wajib, sehingga kita lebih fokus dengan "apa yang ingin kita pelajari" bukan "apa yang harus kita pelajari". Ini membuat kita lebih bersemangat dalam menjalankan stase tersebut. dan biasanya Konsulen/supervisor yang mengawasi, lebih rileks dalam menghadapi kita dan tidak banyak menuntut banyak, sehingga kita dapat lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan surat rekomendasi. Teman gua di FKUI jg pernah cerita ke gua, klo saat Clinical Elective lah cara paling mudah mendongkrak nilai. Tentu saja surat rekomendasi sangat berguna untuk karir kita ke depan.

3. Akan menaikkan Reputasi CV kita untuk melamar pekerjaan.

terkadang, beberapa perusahaan/RS akan lebih suka jika kita memiliki international experience (Walau tidak selalu)

4. Menunjukkan bukti minat dan keseriusan kita ketika kita melamar PPDS

Seorang senior gua yang sekarang merupakan dokter residen bedah plastik di RSCM/FKUI pernah menyebutkan bahwa bukti bahwa dia pernah magang di dept. Bedah plastik di Universitaetsklinikum Dusseldorf, Jerman sangat membantu dia dalam kelulusan ujian PPDS.

It could be right, but I emphasized that the success keys of match in residency (or job position) are multi-factorials and mostly LUCK (or connection) is playing here. But taking elective indoubtedly will boost your CV and would be a distinctive factor of you among other competitors. 

Semua alasan diatas adalah beberapa faktor kenapa kita dianjurkan melakukan Clinical Elective terutama yang berefek kepada karir kita kedepan sebagai dokter. Manfaat untuk diri pribadi? Well, tak hanya kita belajar untuk tinggal dan hidup dan bekerja di negara yang berbeda budaya dengan Indonesia, tapi membantu kita untuk memperlancar bahasa Inggris serta memotivasi kita untuk lebih baik. 

Lalu bagaimana melakukan Clinical elective/Observership/Externship ?

1. Contact your Medical School
Tanya deh sama bagian akademik/kemahasiswaan elo, manatahu kampus lo punya kerjasama dengan kampus di luar sana untuk saling mengirimkan mahasiswa atau dosen dan tanyakan adakah beasiswa yang available buat elo.

2. Contact the IFMSA-affiliated-organisation in your medical School
Dari 70an FK di Indonesia, hanya 13 FK yang bisa mengirimkan mahasiswanya magang di luar negeri under SCOPE-CIMSA-IFMSA agreement yaitu : 1. FK Unsyah Aceh 2. FK UNAND Padang 3.FKUI jakarta, 4. FKUIN Jakarta  5. FK UPH Jakarta 6.FK UNPAD bandung 7. FK UGM Jogja 8. FK UNAIR Surabaya 9. FK UMY Jogja 10. FK UNRI riau 11. FK Unisula Semarang 12.FK Unibraw Malang 13. FK UNS Solo.

Klo lo tidak belajar di salah satu FK ini, mungkin lo bisa lanjut membaca ke no 3. :)

3. Apply directly to your desired medical school for elective

Nah, ini yang gua lakukan ketika gua keterima di Oxford Medical School untuk jadi Elective Student disana.
Jadi lo tinggal ngirimkan lamaran dan memenuhi persyaratan sesuai yang diminta. beberapa FK sangat highly competitive jadi pastikan sebelumnya, apakah elo benar2 ingin mendaftar ke FK tersebut dan kemungkinan untuk diterima, karena tentu saja, proses aplikasi nya jg membutuhkan banyak biaya. Cara tergampangnya adalah, lo cari FK mana yg paling feasible buat elo, trus lo searching di google " fk yg lo pengen" clinical elective. Pasti banyak tuh yang keluar informasinya, dan silahkan dibaca masing2 perssyaratannya.

Nah, sekarang elo udah dokter, tapi lo pengen magang juga. Nah, coba lo googling dengan keyword "Observership". tapi yang harus diingat beberapa program observer meminta bayaran ke kita ( Misalnya Massachusseth General Hospital, teaching hospital harvard medical school, yang meminta hampir 7500 USD untuk program sebulan saja). Klo lo bisa bahasa Jerman, mungkin lo bisa googling dengan keyword " GastArtz Stelle " misal " " GastArtz stelle in bayern "

Sekali lagi, sebelum, memutuskan untuk melamar, pikirkan beberapa faktor ini :
- Apa Negara dan FK/RS yang gua pilih akan benar2 menaikkan CV lo? Bagaimana biaya hidup di negara tersebut?
- Apa mereka menyediakan beasiswa dan apakah biaya kuliah mereka dicover atau malah kita harus membayar puluhan juta hanya untuk bisa magang disana?
- Apakah persyaratan yang diminta (TOEFL IBT,USMLE, DaF, PLAB, vaccine hystory,ect) malah sangat memperberat kita walau kemungkinan untuk diterima menjadi elective student belum bisa dipastikan?
- Apa program mereka benar2 terstruktur? Apakah mereka benar2 memberikan pengalaman klinik yang kita butuhkan?
- Apakah kita DENGAN GAMPANG diterima sebagai elective student atau persaingannya sangat ketat?

masing-masing orang berbeda kondisinya, tetapi selalu pertimbangkan faktor tersebut, dan nilai kemampuan diri. 

4.Apply Directly to the Professors/the Supervisors

Nah, elo udah ngelamar hampir ke semua RS dan FK yang elo pengeni untuk elective/observership/externship tapi kagak diterima juga? nah, mungkin udah saatnya elo mengirim email ke professor atau consultant di rumah sakit itu, dan berharap dia kasihan atau impressive sama keteguhan hati lo, dan dia bersedia untuk di "shadow" sama elo. caranya ? yah searching di google email kantor mereka di website RS/FK tersebut. trus kirim deh email lo yang memohon dengan sangat agar mereka mau mengajari kita.

Professor dan konsulen di luar cukup responsif dengan email sehingga (insya Allah, cepat atau lambat) akan mereka balas dan berdoa saja mereka akan cukup hangat dalam menerima permohonan kita. dan pada dasarnya kebanyakan profesor di luar negeri memiliki passion untuk mengajar.

Gua ingat, dulu pas di Oxford, ada mahasiswa dari Norway (atau sweden? pokoknya dari Skandinavia deh), yang melamar untuk jadi elective student di Oxford, tapi gak keterima. Akhirnya dia mengirim email ke professor Bedah di oxford, dan profesor tersebut mau mengajari dia tanpa melalui Oxford Medical School. sehingga akhirnya dia bisa juga masuk ke ruang OK profesor tersebut dan mengikuti semua operasinya.Pas gua di jerman, juga ada dokter obgyn Iran yang berniat pindah kerja ke Jerman dan dia menghubungi professor di RS di Essen, dan Voila ! gua dan dia akhirnya satu2nya orang Asia yang ikut OK tiap pagi.

Kekurangan dari cara ini, yah sebenarnya program ini tidak official, jadi terserah tuh professor aja gimana ngajarin kita.

Daftar list Prominent medical school yang menawarkan program elective :
1. Harvard Medical School ( http://ecommons.med.harvard.edu/org.asp?exclerk )
2. University of Oxford Medical Schoolhttp://www.medsci.ox.ac.uk/study/medicine/electives )
3. Cambridge University Clinical School ( http://www.medschl.cam.ac.uk/education/elective/ )
4. John Hopskin Medical School 
http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/geriatric_medicine_gerontology/education_training/medical_students/clinical_elective/visiting_students.html )
3. NUS  Young Loo Lin School of Medicine ,Singapore (https://itumed.nus.edu.sg/scep/)

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

How to choose a medical specialty ?

"Which medical specialty I would pursue after becoming as a general physician?"

That is a tough question that always inquiried by us before- or after graduating as a medical doctor. Becoming a medical specialist is one of the myriad further career pathways of medical graduates in order to expertise in his/her chosen field. it is inquestionably inevitability of medical knowledge which is immensely broad with verily-abundantly informations and precise dexterities - who makes impossible for a physician - to expertise in all medical specialties.

Indonesian medical curriculums in every medical schools are designed to mint every Indonesian medical graduate as a GENERAL PHYSICIAN (dokter umum). As a general physician - we - obviously KNOW every aspects of medicine and human physiology, but we are not EXPERT in any of them, which makes us has an obligation to refer to specialist when we deal with those diseases or skills that we dont have the competensies of them. It sometimes degrades us, as only the referred-specialist doctor - a derisive terminology I would say - and compel us to pursue a chosen medical specialty. And also it is indeed quite boring because our core competencies are only dealing with many of diseases (diarrhea, URTI,ect) whom they ( in developed countries with wvell educated patients) actually could be alleviated only by over the counter (OTC) drugs.So yeah....we want to be a medical specialist someday.... But which specialty ? Surgery ? Pediatrics? ObsGyn ? Anaesthetics ? Dermatology ? Ophtalmology ?

Some medical graduates -from the beginning of their medical course - already knew what specialist she/he want ( like he/she is ordained to be a neurosurgeon, radiologist,gynaecologist,ect) but most do not have idea what specialist they become. It is hard to decide yet only few source who provide information about choosing medical specialty. So, I guess this Brian Freeman book was a great book to accompany you during determining your medical specialty - which like choosing husband/wife - would become attributed to you during your entire life.

This book is written in medical setting in United States, but it is still reliable source for us In Indonesia ( or in any other countries). This book in the early chapter, introduces to you some factors that you should weigh before choosing medical specialty. And after that, he introduced us a test that applies an assesment based on our personality to direct you to several specialties that fit with you.  < For further assesment, he advised us to take MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) which will lead us to a test that decides what kind of temperament person we are and which specialty is really fit with you. the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most popular and widely used psychological test in the world. the MBTI precisely identifies a person’s personality type preferences. The MBTI can help us to choose the right specialty for their personality and temperament. The test enables us to learn more about how we perceive and judge others, whether in an occupational or social situation. It identifies our strengths and weaknesses and shows whether we value autonomy or prefer interdependence. 
You could try to start a test by taking this inquiries 

From my point of view, the MBTI is inquisitely precise. when I took the test and intertwined my score with the interpretation , and Voila! It directed me to a several specialties that I desired most. And lastly, he introduced us to all of the specialties from persons who have first hand on experience with the particular specialties. The benefits and also some daily problems that you will face if you chose those specialties.
This is indoubtedly the most concise book for choosing medical special among others. Very recommendedcommended.

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Germany : the best country in the Western Europe? ; A perspective from an Indonesian

First of all, this is obviously only one opinion from an Indonesia guy. It wont affect any rank or any statistic regarding which country is the greatest,the most powerful,the richest or the best in The Western Europe. It was only my personal opinion toward this country : Germany. 

I stayed in Germany in the late Winter and Spring 2012. I worked as a Famulant ( German: junior doctor/clinical student) in Universitaetsklinikum Essen, North-Rhine Westfalen. I shared Wohnung ( German : flat/apartment) with a German doctor and a German student. I've visited not only the big cities like Berlin,Munchen,or Frankfurt, bu also suburban area and small cities like Aachen,Lübeck,ect. I was also very fortunate to be able to be invited by Native conservative German family to celebrate Easter ( their big holiday) during that time. Hence, I consider that I've already had some experiences and perspectives about the real Germany and how the people actually lives. I've already also traveled to and stayed in several countries in Europe ( France, Belgium, Netherland, United Kingdom and Austria) to be a comparison.

Dont get me wrong. I wrote this without any intention to make other countries less than Germany. I was raised with British pop cultures influences, Paris will always be my favourite city (till now), and I always ordain Salzburg,Austria as the most romantic city in Europe. And Clearly, it is only my opinion without referred to reliable sources. I do not know in statistics whether Germany's performance is better than any others country in Europe or not, but for me, Germany is my favourite country. Well,I guess, because their NAZI history ( Deutschland uber Alles!), they are inclined to not mentioning their achievements and proclaiming their country to be the best ( though I believe they noticed that their country is one of the most powerful in the world). But,there are several point that makes me pondering that Germany is one of ( If we can not say the most) the best countries in Europe (or particularly in Western region).

1. Public Transportation

Are you familiar with DB (Deutsche Bahn)? ICE or RE? U bahn or S bahn? Yes.and I was always amazed with Germany's national public transportation system.

So what is the differences? England already has National Express and Nationalrail or Britrail and they're quite good. France has TGV ( fastest train) and it is obviously excellent. Netherland has its Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS). All of them are great. But What I was amazed from Germany in comparison to other countries is, the system is really and extremely integrated into one national system with same high standard with (almost) similar terms and conditions. There is only very slight distinction among 16 states (Germany is federal country), but overall it is similar whether you are in Kiel,Aachen,Frankfurt,Stuttgart,or Dresden. The choice is always ICE or RE ( city to city)? S bahn, U bahn,or bus (inter city) ? With same sign,same rules,same prices. Their train system unites Germany and connects every cities there. This integrated national system is notably very helpful for foreigner like me because it is easy to understand. You dont have to hire a guide, purchase a travel agent packages, if you want to travel in Germany. You dont have to confuse about choosing which modality or which kind of bus you take because it is similar in every part of Germany. You dont have to read many terms and conditions. The great thing about germany, is the goverment are clearly invested massively for public transportation and take lead. private sector were not really involved in this bussiness so there is no unnecessary competition and the price for public transportation is very affordable. Another great thing, The timetable for every public transportation in Germany are precisely very punctual and can be accessed on the internet. You can save alot of time.

I also love the concept of one-stop-services of "hauptbahnhof" (main central station) where every modalities transportation ( bus,train,taxi,subway) station are located into one spot (usually in city centre/touristic site and with so many shops/mall/hotel/parkinglot there).the hauptbahnhof are usually located in downtown, so it is quite easy to hang around. 

If you want to reduce your costs for transportation during traveling in Germany, you can always share ticket with Gruppen ticket, or traveling during weekend, or have experience of "Mitfahrengelenheit" (you rode in with stranger car but only pay for the shared cost of petrol)

2. People, Languange and Living Cost

"Was ist der typisch Deutsch? 1.Ordnung 2.Pünktlichkeit 3.Diszipliniert 4.Kalt 5.Unnahbar"

What's typical German? 1.Everything in order 2.punctuality 3.Discipline 4.Cold 5.unapproachable

Those are some stereotypes for German people. But like every other stereotypes, sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong. But from my experiences, German people are (more or less) is nice people.I particularly amazed with their attention with details. Just try to ask something (even just casual question like a direction to a street that you dont know) and they will give you every detail. They will draw you sketch and everything, and it is exquisite how crazy they are for detail.
About the Language. Ok, German is hard. Even when you already studied German in high school (like me), but when you speak with native German, you hardly understand what they actually talk. But the good news is most of them can speak English, and WILLING to speak English. They tend to accept that English is our lingua franca in this world ( because the history of British Empire) and wont force foreigner to speak German (though preferably if you could speak in German, it is a great plus). It is not like when I was in Paris, and there is a man who forced me to speak French "this is Paris, this is not London.Please speak French". But,still I Love Paris :D

Living cost.This is what I like from Germany, the living costs are ridiculously cheap in comparison with others developed country. You can buy Döner (Turkish-German hamburger) for 3-4 euros (3,5-4,5 dollars) and for Asian like me, the portion of one Döner is for two portion meals. During my night shift in hospital, I usually eat half Döner for dinner and eat another half for breakfast. For students, there is semester ticket which you can purchased for 200euros/terms and it is valid for almost every transportation in whole area of the state (you can imagine, like in Northrhine westfalen, you could travel from Aachen to Dusseldorf,from Essen to Münster). To be a comparison. DAAD (Deutsche Akademischer Austauch Dienst/ German Academic Exchange services) gives annual scholarship for scholars with 750euros/month. It is sufficiently enough for living cost in whole parts of Germany, But UKBA (United Kingdom Border Agency) will only issued UK Tier 4 visa (student visa) if the applicant showed there is a financial ability to support them 1.000 poundsterling/month (outside london) and 1200pounds/month for London. 750 euros compare with 1000poundsfor living cost, you see the difference,right?

One of my friends from Jakarta who studied Engineering in Essen Germany told me that his living cost in Essen were lower than his cost in Jakarta,Indonesia. gobsmacked? Yeah, I am.


 Education is one of great points for Germany. They offer very high standard of education for FREE. There are several states in germany who charge a little tuition fee but still it is quite cheap. No matter you are native,local, foreigner, white,black,asian,atheist,muslim,christian, but as long as you want to learn and pass the exam, then you got education as high as you want and you can. This affordability would not reduce their standard, in fact their universities were still in highest rank in the best world university.

The affordability of German Education attracts so many students around the world including Indonesians. In Germany, it easy to find Indonesian students (another great point). Germany is different with some fellas in western europe who charged foreign student very greedy like " Ok, you are from third world country and want to study abroad,you must be INSANELY rich. Let's suck your money and bank deposit"

5. Cultures

France are very well known for French Food (and also...french kiss). British? Ok, Dont ask me about British cultures,because I am so infatuated with Brits! And when Britons speak with their accent as well. Germany Cultures are less popular than Germany BMW or German team soccer but they do have great culture!"pommes und currywurst" would not beat the popularity of "Boeuf bourguignon" and they will not ever beat English for their accent but Germany has another thing to explore.

I recalled when I visited Bayern (Bavaria) I see alot of native german cultures there. I was invited to Easter tradition celebration in Munchen with my friend (Native German) and it was very exciting! and then I realized, Germany is very rich for their cultures. And we should remember in the early days, English and Dutch are actually German inherited. With the Prussian Empire and Old Romanic Empire history in Germany, we could see, this nation has already went through hardship and another hardship before they achieved like these days.

And there are so many points why I love this country. From Germany, I could learn some lessons how to develop your country (remember, Germany starts from a scratch after World War II) and with their perseverance, they become one of the remarkable developed countries in the world. Such a great Job!And now, after I leave this country, there is always a piece of my heart that I already left in Germany. Ich hab mein Herz in Deutschland verlosen! And (if I could), I defenitely will come back someday to this country to make such a sweet-walk-to-remember!

Ich immer vermisse Deutschland!