Hi and Welcome to my personal website !

My name is Willy Suryawan. I am a medical doctor, an aspiring pianist, a life-long learner. I am Indonesian who currently based on Sumatera. I'd love to talk medicine, travelling or any current topic that people talk most. and I'd love to discuss love and and life philosophy. you can contact me via email willysuryawanmd@yahoo.com or reach me through several social media sites. Please find the links above!

" Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability "

- Sir William Osler -University of Oxford Medical School.

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Time is really healing your pain...eventually...

Since my friend sinta (and technically my boss in SCOPE) persuaded me to write again,
I had some kind of enthusiastic to write again...

So..this is my first posting...

Well...actually there's so much thing happened in my life recently...
sometimes it's good...sometimes it's bad..

but I kept learning from that..
and really...

this year really gave me HUGE lesson that I will never ever forget about that...
but the most important lesson that I take is...

TIME is really healing your pain...eventually..

no matter how severe the pain affected you..
no matter how hard the experience..

just keep in faith in time...

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

For Sinta...

This writing is made specially for sinta...

Thanks so much for pushing me to write some postings in my blog again..
yeah..you're right..
there's something that we can only tell by writing it down..

I learn in psychoanalysis that there is a thing that we called as Ego-defense mechanism..
And recently, My ego-defense mechanism is to keep my problem and my desire deep down, and trying to busy myself, so I could forget all of my id...

but you remind me that it is unhealthy..
yeah..sometimes we have to share our own problem to someone..
Even you could or couldnt solve your problem on your own, it still makes you relieve...

yeah..thanks sinta for reminding me..
promise to you that I will start to write in my blog again..