Hi and Welcome to my personal website !

My name is Willy Suryawan. I am a medical doctor, an aspiring pianist, a life-long learner. I am Indonesian who currently based on Sumatera. I'd love to talk medicine, travelling or any current topic that people talk most. and I'd love to discuss love and and life philosophy. you can contact me via email willysuryawanmd@yahoo.com or reach me through several social media sites. Please find the links above!

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

A Deathtrap for Doctors

We, Doctors, somehow made our own system nowadays become a "deathtrap" for us. From the beginning of our medical course, We were always reminded by our predecessors and community that we are : the chosen one. the "GOD" or "GODDESS" - whatever its term - that implies we could do everything. We're genius. We're tough and strong. We're rich. We're professional. We already passed the hardest exam only to get an opportunity to learn medicine....